Let us pray for our Church FamilyIncluding Dorothy Haynes,Betty Jo Cummins,Frank Simpson,MaryAnn Casey,Mary Beggs andRuth Tindle for complete healing!~Please pray also pray for Julie Pink and her family. The time for a miracle is NOW!~Let us pray for our loved ones & friends who need healing and/or salvation.~For our country and government leaders that they will make Biblically based decisions.~Especially pray for our military troops and loved ones serving.~Our church youth and our country's youth.~Anything God brings to mind or puts on your heart. ~Unity in the body of Christ.
Calendar Events
December 13th: Christmas and Birthday dinner is scheduled directly after services.
Church Family Birthdays:
October Birthdays COMING SOON!! Happy Birthday!! If there are any missed send me an e-mail at the address at the right of this page and I will be happy to add them.
Special Thanks:
We would like to send an extra special THANKS! out to Stephanie Puissant for all her help with the layout of this site. Stephanie is also know as RS Designs in our digital community. If you wold like to see her designs you can find her HERE! Thanks again Stephanie!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What a beautiful site! Thank you, Bobbie, for all your hard work! Sister Debbie
10204 E. 24 HwyIndependence, MO 64053(816)461-1180Sunday's @ 10AMPrayer, Fellowship & ScripturesSunday Services begin @ 10:30AMWednesdays Bible Study 7PM
Pastor John Doney and Wife Debbie
Pastor John comes from a family that stems from strong Biblical beliefs, love for their country, and patriotic service.
To further this tradition,
John served as a police officer for approximately twenty years.
In that time, he saw the worst of our society. This was an education where he saw the need for the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached to all people.
Not only did he face life and death situations daily for himself and others, he also faced a cancer diagnosis in September of 1994.
At that time, God made the call on his life evident to the ministry. He had run from this call for years. John finally acknowledged this call on his life and accepted God’s mandate to preach the uncompromised gospel. He served as Police Department Chaplain for the last six years of his police career.
He is now Senior Pastor of God’s Family Church. This is a ministry of salvation, healing, restoration and deliverance.